Thursday 20 August 2020

The Russian Prisoners

Soon after Germany declared war on Russia, enemy soldiers were captured and transported to Germany. The first of these to arrive at Stalag 18A in Wolfsberg were from the Ukraine.

John Nowell gives his account of what occurred. It's possible that John didn't witness the event himself - he was interned at Klagenfurt at the time. However camp guard Walter Tollinger (click on Internal Link to refresh your memory of what happened to him) supplied photographs of the event and probably told John, with whom he had a good relationship, of what he witnessed.

The commentary below was written by John Nowell in October 1943. He carried this document until the end of the war. Please note that John's narative has been lightly edited.

When Hitler started his offensive against Russia in the spring of 1941, the first territory to fall to the Germans was the Ukraine. What Russians who were not killed were transported to Germany to work in slavery for the Reich, not only men but women and children some only 12 years old and some who were taken as their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters lay dead in their home.

These photos were taken by a German guard at the British POW camp Stalag 18A in Wolfsberg, Austria and were done so at the risk of his own life as he was a bitter anti-Nazi. From Russia, these POWs were transported in railway vans through all the main towns and cities in Germany as propaganda. After a trip of many weeks they were eventually moved to  Stalag 18A.

On the unforgettable morning the train arrived, British POWs were compelled to empty the trucks. Such a nightmare will never be forgotten. They were crammed like cattle 80 to a truck, no sanitation and had been without food or drink practically since leaving Russia. The ones who were alive were lying on the dead and the dying. After being in camp a short period, typhus broke out and many of them died; some falling and dying in the compound.

British POWs were given a horse and wagon as well as crude German coffins and so the British boys buried their unfortunate allies sometimes three and four to a coffin. I could not give a current estimate of the number of deaths but if I said 300 I’m sure it would not be enough. Thanks to the good health of our boys and the work of the International Red Cross no British POW lost their lives as a result typhus.

PS. The photographer who printed these photos (F. [sic] Tollinger of Klagenfurt) was later shot by the Gestapo for his pro-British feelings towards British POWs.

 John Nowell's document

Thanks to Ian Nowell's who made this information and photos available to me.

Profile - John Nowell

Signalman John 'Jock' Nowell, WX501, was in the Australian Corps of Signals attached to the 6th Division. He was wounded at Kalamata, Greece on the night of 28 Apr 1941 and captured there the following day. He was 29 at the time.

In January 1945, John, along with E.W. 'Jock' Robertson and G.N. 'Snowy' Yates made a successful escape from the Klagenfurt Camp eventually joining up with 8th Army patrols (Kings Royal Rifles) at Udine on the Austrian/Italian border. A fluent German speaker (learned in the Camp), John acted as an interpreter for Kings Royal Rifles and 4th Royal Hussars during the conquest and occupation of Austria from Udine to Vienna.

John was born 11 Apr 1912 in Manchester, England. He emigrated to Australia with his family in 1928 as a 14 year-old boy.

After repatriation to Australia, John re-enlisted in the Australia Army and served in Korea with the Commonwealth Signal Squadron performing post-armistice service and ceasefire monitoring. He fell ill and was transferred to hospital in Japan for medical treatment. He died there on 24 Nov 1956, and was buried at the Yokohama War Cemetery. He was 44.

Profile - Gordon Yates

Private Gordon Yates was born in Bendigo on 29 May 1913. He was captured in Kalamata, Greece. His Corps is unknown however his unit is listed on his service record as being the "17th Infantry Brigade."

In the Klagenfurt POW camp where he was known as 'Snowey' Yates. In January 1945 he made a successful escape with John Nowell and E.W. 'Jock' Robertson. 

When Gordon was discharged from the army he was diagnosed to be suffering from tuberculosis. He died on 11 Mar 1975 aged 61 at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne.

Profile - E.W. (Jock) Robertson

Driver Jock Robertson was a member of the Royal Army Service Corps. He escaped in January 1945 along with Gordon Yates and John Nowell.

In the photo below, Jock is third from left on the second row.

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