Friday 9 October 2020

Kevin Byrne's Photo Collection

... with some others thrown in. 

Kevin meticulously wrote the names on the back of the photos. He got a few wrong, spelling-wise, and sometomes used micknames such as Taffy, Jock, etc.


B2 Block. Christmas 1941. Back: George Richardson, Ian Lipsett, Kevin Byrne, Charlie Connor, Alan Eason, 'Dixie' Colebrook, Alec Walker, Jack Whitehead, Jock Robertson. Front: George Harrington, Tug Wilson, Ted Firkin, Frank Falla, Fred Murcott, Bill Chamberlain, Wally Keast

A6 Block. Christmas 1941. Back: Ralph Chapman, Ian Lipsett, James Windsor, W Jones, Tom Collyer, Charles Endacott. Front: Clyde McLachlan, John Dowrick, Herb Adcock, Bob Smith, Wilfred Bailey, Charles Brown, Ron McGlashen
John O'Malley, Edward Peake and John Warburton, Jan 1942
H Wilton, R Reihana, R Smith, John Smith, B Paku. Kneeling: R McGlashen, ?, J Dowrick, C Browne, DR Elliott. Nov 1942
Christmas 1942: Back Row: Harold Wilton, Charles Endacott, Tom Collyer, Kevin Byrne, Jack Holman, Scotty McLeod, Fred Payne, Wilfred Bailey, John Dowrick. Middle Row: Bob Smith, Bob Huxham, C Brown, Jack Adcock, Bob Elliott, Ron McGlashen, Front: Jeff Gilbert.
Christmas 1942: Back: Kevin Byrne, Jack Holman, ‘Scotty’ McLeod, ‘Jeff’ Gilbert, ‘Lofty’ Windsor. Front: Fred Payne, R. Bartlett, Wilfred Bailey
Christmas 1942
Back: John O’Malley, Lofty Windsor, Rob Adams. Middle: George Richardson, Ted Bradburn, Alan Eason. Front: Eric Green. 1943. Alan Eason and Eric Green were killed in the bomb raid on 19 Feb 1945
Bill Bailley, Kevin Byrne, Bob  Smith, 20 Jan 1943
New Zealand Group. Jun 1943. Back: R Lymburn, R Smith, J Stevens, G Hool, W Collins, M Quigan, D Davies, K Filmer, S Young. Middle: S Bradley, Les Olsen, Ron McGlashen, C Newton, W Keith, Pop Collins, J Prendergast, H Merrylees, J McCallum, B Paku. Sitting: R Bartlett, T Williams, F Mullins, D Adams, J Sunley, A Bird, M Minerapa, S Lightfoot, T Coy. Front: A Rabbits, J Smith, R Chapman

Ted Hanger (left) Bob Smith (front) - from Ian Brown's website
A Klagenfurt Christmas. Second from left is Basil Gwyne Thomas. Photo supplied by Basil's daughter, Cate Thomas


Leslie Bullard (Shirley Jorritsma)
Kevin Byrne, Jan 1942
Kevin Byrne, Apr 1943
Kevin Byrne, Jun 1943
George Richardson, Jan 1942
Charles Endacott, Apr 1943
'Lofty' Windsor
Ron McGlashen, Jan 1942
Alan Guthrie Glass, 14 Apr 1943 (Ian Brown's website)
Michael Cister (Shirley Jorritsma)
Gil Conyard (Ian Brown's website)
William Davey (Ian Brown's website)

Ian Lipsett

Charlie Macauley (Ian Brown's website)
Sgt Stewart Stubbings, Man Of Confidence (Ian Nowell)
Albert Freeman (Ian Brown's website)

Don Winter


Novelty Football Match. 26 Dec 1942. Australia vs Scotland. Australia: A Anderson, AH Smith, F Welch, D Duggan, John Burrows, F Murray, J Holman, Chas Lawrence, Scotland: R Porter, James Coid, J Whittet, Les Scott, W Sutherland, Angus McDougall, A McNeill, Stan Summers. Johnny Dawson, GK Bisset. C May (umpire).

Empire Games May 1943. Back row: Haines, Copping, Highton, Paku, Merrilees, Prendergast, Dawson, Thorpe, Spooner, Parker, Gilman, Bell, B Smith, McCallum. Second row: Bradley, Morgan, Robertson, Pitt, McLeod, Gordon, Rogers, Petersen, Wilton, R. Elliott, Woodhouse, Thomas, Kershaw, Cassidy, Lymburn, Endacott. Third row (sitting and kneeling) Johnson, Bartlett, Hudson, Brittingham, Hallas, Minarapa, Reihana, Scott, Woolmer, Sutherland, Lipset, Owens, Adams, J Smith, Michie, Tilling, T Taylor, Green, Midwood, Sudden, Cooper, McNeill, O’Leary, Jenkins, Fisher, Filmer, Skinner, McGlashen, T Williams.
"Our Girls" Football Team, May 1943. Back: Leo Turton, Len Chadwick, John Dawson, Pat Kershaw, ‘Darkie’ Reynolds. Front: Ken Kewel, Don Michie
Empire Games Football. 27 Jun 1943
Empire Games Football. 27 Jun 1943. Lofty Windsor in foreground.
Back: JH 'Jock' Woods, F ‘Blossom’ Linford, Don Winter, Johnny Dawson, Frank Woods, Ken Kewell, Front: John Samuels , R 'Kinder' Bartlett, Reg Holford. 1943
Quigan's Bar, 1943
'Brewing Up. Jul 1944
Cricket Match Scorers, June1944. Back: Harry Mitchell and ‘Dixie Colebrook Front: Bill Cassidy, Taffy Griffiths and Jock McGechie.
Australian Team. 1944 Empire Games. Back: Lofty Windsor, Alan Eason, L Wood, C Morris, L Eliott, Tiny Petersen, R Thorpe, W Cassidy. Front: G Conyard, G Nowells, M Thomas, S Pendlebury, Bob Behen, H Lanham, Don Winter
Aussie Tug o' War Team. 1944 Empire Games. Standing: Roy Thorpe, Les Wood, ‘Tiny’ Petersen, ‘Lofty” Windsor, Sitting: Bill Cassidy, Jock Nowell, Alan Eason, Mick Thomas, Les Eliott
Stan Pendlebury (Australia) finishing first in the 75 yards sprint. Aug 1944 Empire Games.
Two-Up School. 1944. Facing Camera: J Montgomery, A. McKee, Fred 'Snow' McGorrery, Tom 'Butch' Day, C Wood. 'Tiny' Petersen (spinning), Dave Adams (seated).
Two-Up School. 1944


Armistice Day Parade, 11 Nov 1942
Mick Cister's Funeral Parade, 9 Feb 1944
Jock Gordon and Don Westbrook at the Camp Switchboard. 1944.
Churchill, the Camp dog

Standing by the Slit Trenches, 19 Mar 1944


Pipe Laying Work Party

From left: Kevin Byrne (sitting in pipe) , C Browne, Chas Endacott, Colin Morris, Herb Adcock, Dave Adams, Ron McGlashen

'Swinging the banjo.'  Kevin Byrne, left foreground. Aug 1942

Stadtbaumt Work Party

Rod Lymburn, Cliff Crouch, Frank Hawkins, Tug Wilson, Jock Spoor, “Churchill”, Eric Marland, Fred Mann


Bahnbetreebswerk Party. Jul 1943. Back: Frank Woolmer, ‘Froggie’ French, C Mitchell, Kevin Byrne. Front: Gordon Walker, Ted Morgan, Charles Wood, Dick Duggan. Henry 'Froggie' French was killed in the 19 Feb 1945 bomb raid.

Waterworks Party

Waterworks Party, 1943

Camp Vegetable Garden

James Alexander 'Lofty' Windsor. 1943
Tom Laracy and Dick McInnes in the Camp Vegetable Garden, 1943. Tom and Dick worked full time in the camp kitchen.
Reg Seaman, Sid Martin and Pat McLean. Peeling Spuds. Aug 1943

Cookhouse Duty

Temporary Cookhouse, Jan 1943. The original kitchen burned to the ground on 9 Nov 1942
From Left: Fred Payne, Jeff Gilbert , Kevin Byrne, Lofty Windsor, Jack Holman, Scotty McLeod 
Bluey Brookes and Tubby Haines. Jul 1944
Sergeant Stewart Ambrose Stubbings, the Camp's 'Man of Confidence' is not looking very regimental in his slippers. 1943.


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1941. Taffy Soper (accordian), Bill Reid (accordian), Wally Keast (accordian), Jim Stroud (drums), F Linford (violin), Jim Seed (guitar), Harry Quarry (piano), Taffy Jones (accordian), Jack Tutor (clarinet), Ted Hanger (guitar)
Christmas, 1942. Arthur Anderson, Leo Turton, Andrew McNeill, Larry Quinn, Robert Behan, Tim Williams


13 November 1943

Fred Clifton as Nell Gwynn

Ken Kewell as Cleopatra

Jim Speake

Ralph Dennis as Mae West
Taffy Jenkins, Jock Purvis, Fred Clifton, John Wilmot
Lyal 'Mo' McCartney, John Wilmot, Ron Richards, Len Charters

J 'Leonard' Chadwick and T Powell
Stage Assistants: Back: Butch Day, Dick Maplesden, Jock Gordon, Ernie Midwood, M Quigan, T Taylor, E Chatterley, Lionel Bigmore and D Westbrook. Front: 'Snow' Baillie, Archie Kerr, P Watson, J Whittet, John Slack, H Bevis, TB Bassett and M Fisher.


Christmas 1943

See below

Jim Speake, Len Chadwick, Ron De Knock, Alf Lawton, Taffy Jenkins
W 'Pop' Collins and Jock Purvis ('Toughs') and Tom Powell and Ron De Knock (Dancing Girls)
Jack Wilmot (Aladdin), Angus McDougall (Wishee Washee), Al Bevis (Uncle Al)
Andy McNeill and Les Scott (Coppers), Andy McDougall (Wishee Washee)
H. Murray, Reg Holford, Jock Woods, John Dawson, ?, F Linford, S Spooner, J Harvey
Back: Snow Baillie, E Midwood, Joe Miller, Dick Maplesden, M Fisher, Ken Kewell, Don Westbrook, Jock Gordon. Middle: P Watson, E Chatterley, Archie Kerr. Front: T Taylor, J Whittet, G Cooper.


28 December 1943

This drama by Anthony Armstrong is a detective story; but it does not deal in mystery. The audience sees the crime planned, in the form of a dream represented on the stage; and then sees it committed.The thing that keeps expectation active, and replaces the spectator's customary urge to see the murderer unmasked, is the ever present question: "Will the young man who has killed his enemy be able to sustain the alibi he has laboriously manufactured, or will the police succeed in finding some flaw in it?" (Sydney Morning Herald, 21 May 1934).

Ivor Hudson, Ken Kewell, Maurie Fisher, Ron Richards
Ivor Hudson, Tom Powell, Ron De Knock, Geoff Skinner, Ted Law, Les Scott, Ted O'Leary
Ron Richards, Ron De Knock, Ivor Hudson, Tom Powell

Ted O’Leary, Ron De Knock, Geoff Skinner, Ted Law, Tom Powell, Ivor Hudson.


12 February 1944

Rookery Nook is a farce by the English playwright Ben Travers. The play depicts the complications that ensue when a young woman, dressed in pyjamas, seeks refuge from her bullying stepfather at a country house in the middle of the night.

The play was originally scheduled for the 22nd and 23rd of January but was held over due to an Air Raid on the opening day.

Characters not identified.
Characters not identified.
Characters not identified.
Characters not identified.


12 March 1944

The Ghost Train is a theatre mystery thriller, written in 1923 by the English actor and playwright Arnold Ridley. It depicts a group of travellers stranded at a remote railway station, reacting with various degrees of credulity to the station master's warning of death to anyone who sets eyes on the ghostly train that haunts the line.

Cam Grinter and Len Charters (Miss Willis)
Cam Grinter, Ron De Knock, A. Lawton, I. Hudson, K. Kewell, Mo McCartney, R. Richards, F. Lee, E. O’Leary, L. Charters.


10 July 1944
Taffy Jones, Taffy Jenkins, Ernie Midwood, Jack Wilmot, Ralph Dennis, Bert Tilling, M Fisher, R Linford, T Powell, J Dawson, R Bartlett, Bob Douglas, Bob Roberts
Johnny Dawson

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Kevin Byrne's Photo Collection

... with some others thrown in.  Kevin meticulously wrote the names on the back of the photos. He got a few wrong, spelling-wise, and someto...